
Media partners, campaign creation

Turning an event into a Festival

Teaming up with Local CrossFit Boxes to help create Malta’s first ever CrossFit Throwdown. 

Services Included:

Real-Time Social Media Coverage including Same-Day Recap Reels s and Real-Time Photo posting

Event Floor Plan & Design, Including Food Court, Bar Areas and Branded Partners

Design & Installation of Branding and Signage.

The Throwdown took place over two very hot days in the Maltese summer, and our team was hard at work to capture all the excitement. Scroll down to keep reading.

  • Client

    Malta Throwdown

  • Date


  • Services

    Event Branding & Design, Sponsorship Scouting & Management, Campaign Creation, Real Time Social Media Coverage

The importance of the now

Letting the content do the talking.

For this campaign, real time content posting was crucial, in order to maximise on the fact that all of the athletes were in Malta for the event and would be hungry for content as the day goes by. Photo drops were being posted every two hours, with end of day videos being posted on the same evening of the events.

All Projects

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